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Location: Salem, Virginia

Follower of Jesus Christ. Full-time wife and mother of two, part-time church secretary. Lover of rubber stamps, ink, paper, and creativity.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My Stampin' Space: The Stamp Shelf

See the door on the left? That's the doorway I was coming into when I snapped the "Introduction" picture. I've closed the door, and I'm showing you the shelf that is usually behind the opened door! Quite frankly, I have a hard time parting with stamps! I mean, I bought them because I loved them, and somehow the idea of selling any of them seems like selling one of my own children! And I've been at this for about ten years now! Hence, I find myself with two dilemmas: (1) I'm running out of storage space. I do have room to put one more shelf in my shelving unit--IF I turn my boxes on their sides instead of standing them on end and readjust the existing shelves. I'll need to do this soon. (2) I'm having a little difficulty remembering exactly what I own! I have grand intentions of making a notebook with a page for each stamp set organized in the categories they would have appeared under in the catalog. I'd also like to create an alphabetical list of all the words, phrases, and sentiments I have cross-referenced to the stamp set they are in. I have no idea when I'll ever get around to this mammoth project, but the idea has been kicking around in my head for a while now. My shelves are loosely organized like this: on top of the unit are sets containing words, phrases, and sentiments, along with a couple non-SU! sets and a few odds and ends; the top shelf contains background stamps on the left, my "book" on the right, and behind it begins the rest of my collection, alphabetized by the name of the set.



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